CATHERINE ROUVERON - MURIELLE CORBIER Gouffre de La Fage 19600  Noailles Tél.: 05 55 85 80 35
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The classified villages of TURENNE (7km), COLLONGES-LA-ROUGE (16km), CUREMONTE , SAINT ROBERT, SEGUR LE CHATEAU, A BRIVE (8km), the old city, the Labenche Museum, the Edmond Michelet Museum on the Resistance, the Denoix Distillery, the Travassac slaty site, The Museum of old trades in Ayen, The Neanderthal Museum in La Chapelle aux Saints, BEAULIEU SUR DORDOGNE, AUBAZINE and its Cistercian abbey, POMPADOUR and its stud farm etc...

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Gouffre de La Fage
19600  Noailles


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